A dear friend of mine had a fruit tree go hell for leather with a summer season, and wanted to know whether wine could be made with the excess fruit that couldn’t be made into Jam or otherwise eaten when ripe. I also wanted to know, so this is the journey of a joint venture. …
Based on what I’ve learned, here’s a rambling instructionset of how to get started with the most basic homebrew. Preamble – what is home brewing? In it’s barest steps, it’s using Yeast to turn Sugar into Alcohol. To do so quickly and easily we: Yeast is a wonderful little microorganism that consumes sugar and oxygen …
This is a new change for me. A bit of a break for cost reasons, but we have returned with flair – a good friend has some hives of bees who have harvested a good metric tonne of wildflower honey. This stuff is incredible. Sweet, but not overpowering, and the strongest sense that you’re eating …
This Monday I tried to replicate the ginger beer from the very first attempt. Brew date: 28/08/2023 The Ginger Beer (4.5% ABV) “The Curie Concoction” NOTE!!! * Refrigerate the Ginger and Apple for 24 hours soaked in brandy before starting the boil – no need to sanitise, as it gets pasteurised!To make 23 Litre Brew …
Today I put on a simple beer brew because it’s been too long and I need to start slow.-> 1.7 Kg AHB Amber Liquid Malt Extract-> 1KG #20 AHB Beer Improver – Light Dry Malt Extract and Maltodextrin (Corn Sugar) (ratio unknown)Boiled for 45 minutes.12 grams hops added for ~10 minutes at the end of …
I always have to refer to my recipe spreadsheet to make sure I always have the right gear on hand. To save time, I’m making this post, and I’ll update it as I find things useful to include: For the Brew HEADING DESCRIPTION Gather Base Ingredients To make a 7, 23 or 30 Litre Brew …
This weekend I put on two new batches, trying to make up for the January brews that were lost. Brew date: 21/08/2022 Mangrove Jacks Apple Cider (~5.6% ABV) “The Bec Brew” To make 23 Litre Brew have on hand:* 1 x Mangrove Jacks Cider Kit* 600 grams lactose* 1000 grams dextrose to lighten body and …
Today I put on a simple beer brew to go back to basics:-> 1.7kg Black Rock Light Liquid Malt Extract-> 1.7 Kg Black Rock Amber Liquid Malt Extract-> 500gms Maltodextrin (Corn Sugar)Boiled for 55 minutes.12 grams hops added for ~5 minutes at the end of the boilFilled to 23L in the fermenterYeast Starter with M44 …
This weekend I put on two new batches: Mangrove Jacks Apple Cider (5.6% ABV) “The Bec Brew” To make 23 Litre Brew have on hand:* 1 x Mangrove Jacks Cider Kit* 600 grams lactose* 1000 grams dextrose to lighten body and increase ABVThe kit contains all the sweeteners and apple flavors Before Bottling At the …
This is a bit of a story about the journey of Bec and Frosty’s brewing – from a minor interest to sending beverages to friends around the nation. It all started in 2020, when Melbourne was at the height of it’s COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown. We’d been in doors for weeks, and whilst Bec had some …