X-Nectarine Wine

A dear friend of mine had a fruit tree go hell for leather with a summer season, and wanted to know whether wine could be made with the excess fruit that couldn’t be made into Jam or otherwise eaten when ripe.

I also wanted to know, so this is the journey of a joint venture.

The nectarine pulpy-juice has been provided to me, about 1550ml, and it’s fairly thick. The fruit has been pulped, blended, and pasteurised. It’ll be up to me to work out the starting gravity, decide what we can do to make this work for a small batch of nectarine wine.

The plan will be to take an SG reading, calculate estimated ABV, add Water and or sugar to bring it up to an acceptable viscosity and gravity, then put it on with some EC-1118 yeast I have left over from the mead brews.

Wish us luck!

Update: I checked the FG last week as it had stopped bubbling for a while and it was at 1.010. this yeast works fast! A week later, I decanted to a Demijohn and got just under 4.5L yield.

Details last updated 12/02/2025

Starting Gravity – Undiluted1.035 SG at 1550ml (approx, the reading was tough26/01/2025
Starting Gravity – Diluted with Ratio/Amount1.021 SG at 4650ml (diluted 2 parts water to 1 part puree)26/01/2025
Starting Gravity – Diluted with added sugar1.099 SG (approx, reading at 50c) after adding 400g maltodextrin and 1000g dextrose26/01/2025
Target Gravity – After reduction and water1.075 TG – aiming for an 8.5% ABV26/01/2025
Total Volume at yeast pitch6875ML26/01/2025
Date to check for Final GravityN/A16/02/2025
Total Volume at Final Gravity4500ML07/02/2025
Final Gravity1.010 FG07/02/2025