Fireworks and Peanut M’n’Ms

Made it! All safe and sound, sitting on a giant bed in a classy hotel room in Anaheim, tired as heck but happy.

Bex landed at about 11am Pacific Time in terminal one, just in time to have me run up and give her a big hug and sloppy i-missed-you kiss. We collected our bags, and wandered out to the busy sidewalk of the terminal, caught a shuttle bus to Thrifty Car Rental, and I signed my soul away for a Red Chevrolet Camaro.

Rating: ★★★★☆ 

Rating: ★★★★★ 

Worth it.

Bex: *crunch crunch crunch* {Peanut MnMs intensifies}
I do feel like a bit of a movie star. Red sports car, L.A sun, no place to be – I could get used to this.
{crunching resumes}

Our little hotel room is a stone’s throw from Disneyland, and tonight as we were pottering around and unpacking our bags, a crash of thunder rang out overhead. Then another. Then an impossibly long series of crashes, and Bex and I looked at each other and went “Fireworks?!”

Pulling on some shoes, we dashed outside to the more decidedly cooler night air. Close enough to see the smoke, we admired the colours and pretty strokes of fire across the night sky. We get to be there tomorrow! It will be amazing. (And the next day… and the next day…)

For now it’s just a quiet night in to catch up on our rest for the big days ahead.